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Libraries Are Life-Changing
TU Press director reflects on how literacy opens minds and provides hope

When I make presentations about 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University Press and its history, editorial focus, 等, I always make a point to explain my reference to the importance of mission-driven work.

On a recent trip to Puebla, 墨西哥, I set out to visit the legendary Biblioteca Palafoxiana, which dates to 1646 and is designated by UNESCO as the oldest library open to the public in Latin America. I had long wanted to visit this library. It is home to the original collection of 5,000 books donated in 1649 to Colegio Universitario de San Juan by storied bishop and New Spain viceroy Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, with the stipulation that the books be made available to the general public. Today the library houses more than 40,000 volumes. 

After browsing the collection for an hour, I sat in the courtyard and was surprised by the emotions that overwhelmed me. I have visited many legendary libraries and bookstores in my travels, but this was different. Reflecting on Palafox’s democratic and transformative donation, I teared up a bit when considering what a truly revolutionary act this was. At a time just after the advancement of the printing press and the ways it would change the world in the centuries to come—a time when literacy rates varied worldwide but hovered at about 20%—a single person in the Americas enabled the true ideals of egalitarianism. Was his act celebrated, controversial, or both? Literacy opens minds and transcends boundaries, empowers underrepresented and misunderstood voices, and gives hope—actions that those in power work to undermine at times.

Far more modestly, at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University Press, we endeavor to make our contribution through the evolving scope of the books we publish. We celebrate the important role libraries play in this process and the bold and socially disruptive decision Juan de Palafox y Mendoza made almost 400 years ago. We are proud to represent 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University and all it stands for when we send our books into the world and work to get attention for our authors and their important ideas. 特别是, this includes our library partners, who are vital as a force for access to information and education and provide social stability and important reconsiderations of our shared stories and values. Join us in taking time to celebrate—and visit—your local libraries and support their critical role in our lives.

汤姆·佩顿 is the director for 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University Press, a mission-driven publisher committed to civic engagement with timely ideas facilitated. 

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